Friday, November 04, 2005


Business leader Felipe Lamarca defended his critique of Chile’s oligarchic economic model Wednesday at a conference at the Universidad de Los Lagos in Osorno.

Lamarca, the former president of the business lobby group Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (SOFOFA) and former chief executive at Copec, created a stir last month when he strongly criticized Chile’s economic model and the avarice of Chile’s economic elite.

“Just as there are large environmental studies there ought to be large market-competition studies,” Lamarca said Wednesday. “What’s more, they should be maintained over time because, depending on the context, they could produce changes in established conditions.”

The former executive also spoke of the mixed public reaction to his comments.

“I wanted to put the issue up for discussion, and since then the issue has met over a month of resistance in the press not because what I said was nonsense, but because of its truth,” said Lamarca.

According to his presentation, Chile’s economic model requires oversight and standardized legal and institutional ethics in order to break up existing monopolies.

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