Wednesday, November 30, 2005


President Ricardo Lagos decided to keep Gen. Eduardo Aldunate as Chile’s second in command of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission in Haiti after Judge Alejandro Madrid determined that the general took no part in the 1976 murder of Carmelo Soria, a Spanish-Chilean UN official.

Gen. Aldunate was recalled to Chile for questioning after the murdered UN official’s daughter, Carmen Soria, accused him of taking part in his murder. Chilean officials were asked to review Gen. Aldunate’s military record and investigate allegations that he participated in the Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA) Mulchén Brigade in the mid-1970s.

Earlier investigations blamed the brigade for Soria’s 1976 murder, but until Ms. Soria’s allegations, Gen. Aldunate had never come under suspicion for committing human rights abuses.

Judge Madrid concluded his investigations into the allegations and determined that Gen. Aldunate was innocent of any connection with the Mulchén Brigade. Following the official ruling, President Lagos approved the decision to return the general to his duties in Haiti.

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